In September, Kindergarten students began their first 7-week unit of inquiry, “School Communities.” During this unit, students spent time learning about why rules and routines are necessary for a functioning community, and were then given the opportunity to participate in the process of setting up their own classroom community and suggesting some suitable rules for the classroom. As a class, they studied their school and how it is a place where people work together and share things. As part of their investigations, they learned about how everyone contributes to this community. Finding out more about different people’s roles in their school showed them how strong the ISB community is, and the many ways all of its members work together. They discovered that everyone has an important role in the school, and they also came to understand their own roles in this community.  It was a fun start to a great year of learning!


“Where does the school find all of these beautiful things?”
“Why do we work at school?”
“Why are their cubbies in the classroom?”
Students discover who in the school they can go to to answer their questions.


Learning to cooperate is a big focus of this unit. They use their communication skills and social skills to work together.


Students worked in partners to “think, pair, share” their ideas.


The students worked in groups to create representations of their school using blocks and legos.


Students went on a tour of their school. They ventured out to different areas of the building and saw where learning takes place in other classrooms and common spaces. They also went around to different offices and asked staff members abut their roles at the school.


They had many questions for their Head of School!


Kindergarten students invited Lower School Director, Delphine Michaud, and Middle School Director, Joe Santos, into the classroom to learn about what they do at ISB. The Kindergarteners lead the discussion by asking Delphine and Joe questions they had prepared.


For their final assessments, the Kindergarteners worked in groups to plan and create their own communities.