This week, students in Kindergarten-8th Grade gathered for an assembly to formally welcome Head of School Joe Santos in his new role, during which he addressed the Lower School and Middle School for the first time all together. “I am honored and humbled to be installed as ISB’s second Head of School. A month ago, we were all here in this same hall, saying our goodbyes to Rebecca Skinner, the founder of our school and ISB’s first Head of School. Her vision created this school; now our job is to continue her mission, to make sure that everyone here has the opportunity to become an advocate, to become a leader, and to continue to develop as an adventurer. With the help of the fabulous and dedicated team of teachers and administrators that we have here at ISB, we will continue to help you, our incredibly diverse group of learners, become the best people you can be.” After Joe’s remarks, students went up and shared words of advice and encouragement with him. Read through their advice for ISB’s Head of School below!

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  • To be an amazing Head of School, you should be a good listener and communicator.
  • Be connected to the students and be reachable.
  • Give more advice to other people to make everyone happy.
  • Trust your gut when making decisions.
  • Educate younger classes about issues going on in our world, such as inequalities, wars, politics, and other important things that generally only Middle Schoolers learn about.
  • Create more freedom and choice for students and support them in their academic careers.
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  • Uno de los consejos que queremos darte, Joe, es que podías ir de vez en cuando a las clases para que nos conozcas mejor y veas como trabajamos las unidades de indagación.
    También nos gustaría que nos invitaras a a conocer a las personas que trabajan en la administración para conocer mejor el funcionamiento de ISB.
  • Be openminded to new ideas and learn from your mistakes.
  • Be a principled principal!
  • Continue to think of others and have ideas to help our community grow.
  • Trust your instincts.
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  • Joe, para ser un buen director te aconsejo que intentes que ISB sea una buena escuela que ayuda ala resto del mundo.
  • Joe, para ser un buen director, te aconsejo que trabajas muchos y consigas mucho material para la escuela.
  • Thank you Joe for helping the school be a better place.

As the assembly concluded, Joe collected the students’ advice to be kept in his office as words of wisdom that he can refer to, and he shook hands with every single student as they went off to their classrooms. Please join us in welcoming Joe Santos as ISB’s new Head of School!

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