6th Grade Trip to Club Getaway

On September 22 and 23, ISB 6th Graders, accompanied by Gordieh Nasseri (Science and Visual Arts), Jesus Santos (Physical Education), and Middle School Director Joe Santos, spent two nights in Kent, CT at Club Getaway. This was the first of two trips that the 6th grade takes together each year, focusing on team building and group activities.

Club Getaway specializes in group-based physical challenges, including an aerial ropes course (visible in the background of the photo), climbing, kickball, and ping pong. This trip is the first time our 6th graders share a classroom as an entire grade, and the experience is especially meaningful because it helps them bond with new students, each other, and students from other schools who are visiting Club Getaway at the same time as ISB.

From Gordieh, “Our 6th graders are non-judgmental, open, and accepting. This trip encourages them to adjust to other students’ boundaries through challenges against students from other schools. I look forward to this trip because it exposes our students to other students’ experiences.”